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Esteemed Digital partnered with, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed by Microsoft and the U.S. Department of Education in an ongoing effort to assist future teachers. “When it comes to teacher certification and prep programs,” our client says, “our job is to streamline everything [future primary and secondary educators] need to know and make it easy to understand.” As part of this offering, provides various free products, services, and tools to assist those beginning their teaching career.

The client’s online platform acts as their service’s primary delivery channel. The main purpose of their website is to act as a resource for potential future educators. It offers job listings and networking opportunities for current students of all ages who might become future teachers.

Challenge’s existing site ran on Microsoft IIS and SQL, and had been built using Drupal 7. Their legacy site lacked critical features and required attention to multiple moving parts. As part of their platform, offered teacher certification guides, personalized application checklists, scholarship information, fee reimbursement assistance, financial aid information, stories and advice from current teachers, a teacher prep program database, and more.

Their team needed to overhaul their website and wanted the assistance of a consulting agency familiar with Drupal. The client appreciated Drupal’s flexibility and its allowance for customization, modification, adjustment, and additional features, and since their legacy website was built using the open source CMS, they wanted expert Drupal developers to carry out the upgrade.


Given the challenges, Esteemed Digital was contracted to consult the client and implement the second phase of’s website. A team of senior Drupal consultants, all with experience working in the education and government sectors, assisted with the rollout in a four month project.

To address the client’s needs, Esteemed Digital recommended a migration to MySQL and implemented several site enhancements, including a custom user dashboard, social media login, custom user profiles, and more.


Today, operates in all 50 U.S. states, and their website includes location-specific information and customized resources to assist future educators in their quest to earn their teaching licenses. Esteemed Digital was able to provide Drupal expertise and mission-critical consultations to ensure that’s plan was implemented to its fullest.

If your organization requires assistance in building out your website’s vision, Esteemed Digital can help. Our team is comprised of highly skilled developers, project managers, consultants, designers, and more – and we’re in the business of building up your digital business.